Sorin Claudiu Vaduva

Sorin Claudiu Vaduva

Sales Representative


(613) 262-9562
(613) 829-1818 ext. 821
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First Time Home Buyers Hot List for Ottawa Homes

First Time Home Buyers Hot List for Ottawa Homes and Condos

A great way for time home buyers to search for homes Ottawa, Kanata, Stittsville, Orleans, Barrhaven, Carleton Place, Russell, Downtown Ottawa, Byward market and more

Get your copy by completing the form to right;

Info about our Free list 

The market in Ottawa has been very competitive and making it more difficult to get into home ownership and with the new mortgage rules tightening it is getting even harder. 

After you have been approved for a mortgage and it is time to start looking for a home it is more difficult as properties are getting sold very fast and in alot of cases in a bidding war.  It is even more important now in todays market to beat out other buyers and the public to have a chance to make an offer and purchase a home.  We have  a solution for that;

Our Free first time Home Buyer Hot List is a great way to find out about homes before it goes to the public MLS...Here is how it operates:

- Provide us with info on the ideal location, price point and any other criteria you have about your new home

- We will email you a list of the available new homes that match your criteria from our search ( we get notification of new listings approx 24 hours before it goes to the public)

- We beat out other potention buyers who might be interested in the home and could possibly save thousands of dollars by avoiding bidding wars

To get started, just use the form on the right side of page;

This is a no-cost, no-obligation service. We strive to provide this information in a timely manner so complete and accurate information is vital. Your information is held in the strictest confidence and will never be sold or given away (you can view our Privacy Policy here).Sorin Vaduva is a member of the Ottawa Real Estate Boardthe Ontario Real Estate Association, and the Canadian Real Estate Association. We proudly adhere to their governing codes of conduct.

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To get started Fill in your First Time Home Buyer info and criteria